Ceramic Artworks to
Raise Esteem and Employability
EU Programme: Erasmus+ KA2: Cooperation partnerships in youth
Reference: 2022-1-IT03-KA220-YOU-000086755
Start date: 03/10/2022
End date: 02/08/2025
C.A.R.E. arises as a key opportunity for young people with visual impairment (V.I.P.) to unlock their potential as individuals, as artists, and as employees, through ceramic workshops and the enhancement of their psychomotor skills, as one of the foundations for development.
The project inevitably promotes social inclusion and aims at improving the outreach towards the Visually Impaired People (V.I.P.) and community and soon other people with physical special needs. It is only the starting point for the development of a combined education that will merge professional training, non-formal education and expertise in the specific disability, to eventually equip educational and training providers and organizations working with V.I.P. with new tools and methods to start ceramic workshops for the development of psychomotor skills and to involve V.I. learners in classes and workshops with able-bodied learners, thus fostering social inclusion, tolerance, mutual learning and the standardisation of a common education for all.
- To raise young visually impaired people (V.I.P.) self-esteem by strengthening their psychomotor skills.
- To enhance the young V.I.P.’s opportunities to employability in the field of art, culture, social and manual work, or to have them become future entrepreneurs.
- To give V.I.P. the confidence to become positive actors in the growth of their community, for their city, as well as the EU artistic scenario as a whole.
- To foster the capacity building and impact of educational and training centres with the introduction of pottery classes for all learners but equipping their trainers with the right skills to welcome V.I.P.
- To equip youth workers, educators and trainers with the competencies to engage V.I. learners in their classes/workshops, and to foster the development of psychomotor skills in young learners through ceramics workshops.
- Definition of key elements in teaching V.I. learners, as well as commit our V.I. participants to the co-creation of the training approaches (sharing their ideas, expectations, fears, lacks and desires of personal development, etc.)
- Creation of 72 artworks made by the V.I. participants and inspired by local traditions to be exposed permanently in all partner cities, thus creating the concept of city museum.
- Production of professional videos highlights from the local and transnational workshops
- Delivery of transnational training events promoting representations of the EU values of freedom, equality, human dignity and rights, and will be of enormous opportunity for the participants to meet, being creative together, sharing, mutual learning and team-working at the European level.
- “CARE Manual” on how to start ceramic workshops for the development of psychomotor skills for young Visually Impaired People (V.I.P.), bridging (1) the competencies of experienced organizations already working with V.I.P., (2) the expertise in running ceramic workshops of pottery masters in each country involved, and (3) the active involvement of education and training providers, whose trainers will acquire new competencies to master the approach of teaching the development of the psychomotor skills through ceramic making and to adapt their activity methods to fully engage young V.I.P. in their classes/workshops.
- “CARE Guidelines” A complimentary handbook with specific guidelines on how to engage and fully connect with the V.I. learners
- “CARE Case Studies” A manual with on how Entrepreneurship, specifically dedicated to the young V.I.P, allows to equip them with methods and tips to find the “gaps” in their community and build their own enterprise.
- “My first artwork” ceramics artworks by the V.I. participants and the
- “City Museum” open-air museum with traditionally-inspired and useful ceramic creations for the citizens, as well as to show the world how V.I.P. can indeed be artists, professionals and even entrepreneurs for their community.
- Increased levels of inclusion and diversity by improving the outreach to people with disabilities
- Developed new skills and accumulated new knowledge, as well as recognized and transferred new good practices when working on employability with V.I.P. youth
- Strengthened employability of young people, with key competencies and basic skills, including supporting their integration into the labour market
- Increased self-autonomy and possibility to run the job and the relationships in young people with visual impairment in life.
- Established ceramic workshops specifically tailored for young people with visual impairment who will raise their psychomotor skills such as movement, coordination, posture, manipulation and tactile sensations, dexterity, grace, strength, and speed.
- Youth workers/educators/trainers (priority is given to those with fewer opportunities).
- Young people with visual impairments.
- Masters of ceramics, coming from associations of ceramic workshops, shops or professional training bodies.
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