SIGMA partners and commits with EVERBRIDGE into “Keeping People Safe and Businesses Running Faster”.

Sigma Business Network has signed a Partnership agreement with Everbridge, the global leader in Emergency Notification Systems.

Everbridge was founded in 2002 in the aftermath of the tragic events of 9/11 with the mission of helping to keep people safe amid critical situations. It initially focused on building out the industry’s most reliable and scalable notification engine, backed with redundancies in SMS and other message delivery capabilities, and with very fast execution, to ensure messages are received without fail when life safety is at risk.

Over time we have significantly broadened our capabilities to meet customer needs and today EVERBRIDGE provides a Critical Event Management platform that helps organizations manage the full lifecycle of a critical event: Assess risks and determine which are relevant to your assets and people; Locate mobile and traveling employees, as well as responders, who are near or traveling to areas of risk; Act to automate standard operating procedures to launch and manage incident response; and Analyze performance to identify bottlenecks and improve response for subsequent events.

Its Critical Event Management solutions are used by over 4,000 organizations to keep people safe and avoid and/or lessen disruption to operations when such events as severe weather, workplace violence, active shooters, terrorism, IT and power outages, environmental spills, brand attacks on social media, product recalls, and medical emergencies occur.EVERBRIDGE is helping to protect over 500 million people globally and to improve the resiliency of the operations of many of the leading companies in the world.

As SIGMA we are excited with this partnership that, as of our perspective, brings value to our customers and contributes to their resileince and the well beiing of their people and the communities they operate.

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