Sigma Business Network as a Partner of the Digitalisation Project was present at the Project Closure Meeting that took place in Berlin, Germany from 17th to 18th October 2019.
After intensive work of 2 years contributed by 6 multinational partners, the free tool key outcome of the Digital Transformation for SMEs Project has been presented to more than 50 representatives of German SMEs.
SIGMA team had the chance to present to meeting participants its contribution to the project, particularly in the areas of Managing the Risks & the Changes as well as the methodology of prioritizing activities during the digital transformation trip of an SME.
All SMEs that are considering or planning to initiate a digital transformation can visit and use the 3 modules that can be found inside the online tool: the Quick Check module, the Digital Transformation: Step-by-Step module and the Driving Forces that Change the World module that provide a solid guidance and a methodology towards a practical digital transformation.
SMEs may communicate with our consulting team for support and safe advice provision on the digital transformation of their company.