Sigma Business Network, a partner of the EU Erasmus+ 2-year project titled “Farms Risk Management to Enhance Resilience” (FaRMER), participated in the 2nd Transnational Project Meeting on the 13th and the 14th of September in Lisbon, Portugal, hosted by CONSULAI, CONSULTORIA AGROINDUSTRIAL LDA.
Ten participants from five partner organizations coming from four European countries attended the meeting, live or remotely.
FaRMER’s purpose is to train the farmers on the principles and the value of risk management and risk resilience, as most farmers are missing the holistic Risk Management perception for their overall business entity and operations, putting at risk even the survivability of their farms.
During the meetings, partners presented and discussed the three Project Results (PR), the Score My Resilience Tool, the Resilience Framework, and the Farmer Course. Also, the website and its features were presented and reviewed. On the second day of the meeting, a visit to a farm helped the partners connect the theory with practical knowledge.